
About Us

Recently my wife Kate and I bought a motorcycle....not just any motorcycle, but a BMW 1200 GS Adventure.  We plan to make the most of the "Adventure" and experience traveling around the country in a whole new way.  We'll be using this site to document our travels and adventures and hopefully give you some ideas for trips of your own.   Kate is the photographer in the family so you'll be seeing quite a bit of her handiwork on the site.  She focuses (no pun intended) on landscape and wildlife photography which should work out well for this new project of ours.  If you have a few minutes, swing on by here site and take a look at some of her work at Kate Austin Photography. We'd love for this site to be more than just a record of our travels and welcome your interaction.  Please feel free to us the comments section to share you own two wheeled adventures with us. Kate and I hope you enjoy the site and we look forward to hearing from you.

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